
I'll throw a few posts about some old favorites up before I hit the current administration.
Now we will expose one of the slimiest lizards of them all - Newt Gingrich.
Newt for over 30 years has been a Tofflerian New Age Futurist, lamenting that avoiding the Tofflerian "Third Wave" philosophy has kept our politics trapped. Toffler wrote, in the book Gingrich wrote the foreword to, "The system of government you fashioned, including the very principles on which you based it, is increasingly OBSOLETE, and hence increasingly, if inadvertently, OPPRESSIVE and DANGEROUS to our welfare. It must be radically changed ... the system of government created by the Founding Fathers ... now must, in it's turn, DIE and be REPLACED."
Gingrich is also a member of the elite New World Order gang, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He supported NWO endeavors like NAFTA, GATT, WTO, NATO, UN, et al. He is a longtime member of the ultra-leftist NAACP and said he would have to "offend some conservatives" with differing views in that area.
Newtie has a militant lesbian sister, Candace. (If you see a photo of the two together, Candace is the masculine looking one.) No wonder he had been so supportive of the QUEERS over the years. Newtie has voted to give AIDS infested fairies hiring preference due to their "disability". He also campaigned for Congressthing Steve Gunderson, and praised him for having the "courage" to be a "gay Republican".
Gingrich has garnered only a 60% conservative rating since 1992. That means 40% of the time he votes UNCONSTITUTIONALLY and LEFTIST. He had only one good term. Without that aberration he is hard pressed to pass the break-even mark, meaning he votes HALF-LIBERAL (no matter what he SAYS - we Bible believers should know more than any that a person's talk is often not his walk). One session he was only 6 points higher than registered SOCIALIST Bernie Sanders of Vermont, but he was 40-50 points below any reasonable conservative.
Newt is primarily responsible for the compromise of the 1992 & 1996 wave of conservatives elected to Congress (opposite of pro-gress). They were elected on a philosophy of downsizing gov't, less spending, less taxing, less intrusion. Newt used his power as Majority leader to force them into lock-step with his big-gov't agenda. Only a few remained firm, and they are left on the outside of Gingrich's "Big Tent" (where the circus clowns are).
Let's look at Gingrich's voting record sine 1992:
102nd Congress:
* HR 2929 Newt voted to allow the federal gov't to swallow up over 8 million acres of California to be added to their protected list. (Ah, he did work with ALGORE on Future environmental committee years ago, now his true colors show).
* HR 456 increased YOUR contribution to the UN Peacekeeping FORCES by $270 million.
* HR 4704 Gingrich voted to use your money to bail out Savings and Loans that made bad loans to deadbeat countries. Of course knowing that you and I would have to pay up any failed loans encouraged the S&L's to make such stupid giveaways.
* HR 4547 Not content to waste your money here, Newt sent almost $15 billion more to Russia (they were still the Soviet Union at the time).
* Gingrich voted for the general Foreign Aid Bill every time it came up, sending your money abroad, against the Constitution, even though we are over $5 trillion in debt.
103rd Congress:
* HR 873 Another bill for Big Brother to gobble up property.
* HR 64 would have stopped tax increases. Gingrich voted it down, of course.
* HR 208 gave the Communist Tienneman Square slaughterers "Most Favored Nation" status. To make sure he supported it again in HR 373.
* HR 3450 NAFTA gave unelected foreigners control over American trade.
* HR 218 would've cut Federal spending. Newt trashed it. After all, it's not his money - it's yours.
* HR 4426 More money going to Russia.
* HR 4606 Newt voted to spend your money to unconstitutionally subsidize PBS, despite the fact that they are raking in billion$ from Sesame Street, stupid tickle dolls, and other merchandice. PBS grosses more than the National Hockey League. Yet Newtie sent our money to PBS.
* And four more foreign spending bills. This is the session that Newt racked up his top score of 78%. He needed to put on more of a conservative image because this was the session that passed the destructive NAFTA. Although, he still voted liberal about one out of every four times.
104th Congress. Now, as Speaker of the House, Gingrich only votes for those things he deems vitally important. This will show what is near and dear to his heart.:
* HR 5110 GATT/WTO Global NAFTA! The most important agenda of the New World Order in history!
* HR 2 Gingrich voted to give Clinton the unconstitutional ability to write legislation with a line-item veto. Who's side is he on? (If you don't know by now, you need a steady diet of lime jello so you'll at least register brain waves on an EEG!)
* HR 273 Gingrich voted to allow term-limits (huh? He's still in office, he must not have really meant it - just a political ploy). While sounding good, term limits create a perpetual lame-duck Congress who are no longer accountable to voters for their treasonous activities. It also steals our right to choose whoever we want at election time. If we want to keep Ron Paul in office, we couldn't under term-limits.
* HR 1868 So strong is his lust for our money, Gingrich would not even support a 1% tax cut.
* Two more Foreign aid bills.
105th Congress:
Newt hasn't voted as much in the current session. He has only a 57% rating currently.
I am missing the issue that has his negative votes for the current session. My record show he has voted twice in the 105th, both positive. That means he had to go 2-good/3-bad in the missing portion.
This should forever dispel any notion that Newt Gingrich has anything in common with an American, much less a conservative.
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