Friday, August 05, 2005



Since I already exposed one Republican icon (Rush Limbaugh), I might as well hit the other one too.

Before I cook Reagan's goose I should say that I voted for him both times, so I was fooled by his words myself. I was never more proud (using the dictionary definition of proud, not the Bible definition) to be an American than when Reagan was making a speech. I wanted so bad for him to be the real thing. But wanting it did not make it so.

Main source: The Insiders Architects of the New World Order by John McManus 1996.

To begin with, Ronald Reagan absolutely was not ignorant of the New World Order cabals. When campaigning, he criticized Jimmy Carter because "19 key members of the Administration are or have been members of the Trilateral Commission." (and he named them all). [2-8-80 NY Times]

The Trilateral Commission is mostly the elite members of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). They are the two most prolific New World Order groups, though the Bilderburger group is catching up (and also has mostly the same members).

Reagan's report also noted that "all of these people come out of an INTERNATIONAL economic industrial organization with a pattern of thinking on WORLD affairs." and said that their influence led to a "softening" of our nation's defense capability.

During the primaries, his campaign in Florida even used the slogan, "The same people who gave you Jimmy Carter now want to give you George Bush." (Both Trilateralists and CFR members).

So what did Reagan do when it came to naming his own Vice-Presidential candidate? He chose George Bush! - a member of BOTH the CFR and the Trilateral Commission!

Being concerned that the Trilateral Commission would weaken our defense, who did Reagan choose as Secretary of Defense? Trilateral Commission member Caspar Weinberger!

He then continued to name 257 CFR members to government posts. That includes Secretary of the Treasury, Donald Regan who had donated the personal legal maximum $1000 - to Jimmy Carter!

For his second term he added more CFR members for a total of 313.

It was not ignorance - it was intent!

Reagan's campaign manager was CFR member William Casey who was known for tax-financed trade with communist nations and favoring US policies leading to interdependence on other nations.

READ MY LIPS (Guess where Bush learned it from?)


"Raising taxes won't balance the budget. It will encourage more government spending and less private investment. Raising taxes will slow economic growth, reduce production and destroy future jobs. So I will not ask you to try to balance the budget on the backs of the American taxpayers. I will seek no tax increases this year.


Reagan signed the largest tax hike in US history - a whopping $227 billion, five year deal. More than Michael Jordan's last contract.

Several years later he rolled back a portion of this huge increase and got a reputation as a great tax-cutter. Good work, if you can get it.


Reagan talked like a conservative and governed like a liberal not only as president, but he had done the same thing as governor of California - only we ignored it.

He converted the state income tax into one of the most progressive in the nation, introduced withholding, raised sales taxes, and sharply increased business taxes. Welfare expenditures increased 61% during his reign.

Let's not forget that the Federal debt grew more under Reagan than under any other president. Also, remember that it was Reagan who reinstituted recognition of the Vatican as a state and sent an ambassador there. Iran-Contragate was another scandal. What were we doing selling weapons to Iran, no matter who got the profits?

His every move was controlled by an astrologer (said to be Nancy's astrologer, but she controlled Ronnie).

I wish it wasn't true, but Reagan was just another one of the phony New World order puppets. The exchange first made famous in the Bentson-Quayle debate should go: "I knew Ronald Reagan. He was a friend of mine. And, Mr. Reagan..., you're no Ronald Reagan!"


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