Saturday, June 16, 2007



From: Columbia Christians for Life

Subject: Fred Thompson is NOT Pro-Life


Fred Thompson may have exposed another face to his pro-life constituency on Fox's "Hannity & Colmes" program Tuesday when he expressed doubts about "criminalizing" abortion.

After asserting he "always thought Roe v. Wade was a wrong decision," the actor-politician said: "I would not be and never have been for a law that says, on the state level, if I were back in Tennessee voting on this, for example, that, if they chose to criminalize a young woman, and ­ ..."

Co-host Sean Hannity then tried to bail Fred out: "So, states rights for you?" Thompson replied:

"Essentially, federalism. It's in the Constitution." replied Thompson.

In his first Senate campaign in 1994 Fred said the decision to have an abortion "must be made by the woman,".

TG: A State's Rights position would not be a problem. The problem is he inavertantly made it obvious that he wouldn't favor "CRIMINALIZING" abortion on a State level, though he might support DE-criminalizing abortion on a State level. Freddie is dancing back to his previous abortion-tolerant position. If supporting the killing of babies gets votes, some politicians will support killing babies.


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