Thursday, May 24, 2007

HUNTER SPENDING - Apologize to Drunken Sailors


Trim takes the eight largest unconstitutional spending bills each term to see which Congressmen are the biggest unconstitutional spendthrifts. Unfortunately, Duncan Hunter puts most drunken sailors to shame. Here he voted in favor of SIX of the eight biggest unconstitutional spending bills.

He voted for agriculture subsidies, more spending for public educations, and foreign aid.

Here he voted against just half of the largest unconstitutional spending bills. Better than the other one, but nothing to celebrate, much less consider him a conservative for.

This time he voted for FIVE of the top eight unconstitutional spending bills, including more foreign aid.

Again he voted for HALF of the eight, including more for public education.

This time he voted for FIVE of the largest illegal spending bills, including to subsidize AIDS.

Again FIVE, including one of the planks of Hillary's socialized health care plan.

So the BEST Hunter has done is voting for HALF of the largest unconstitutional spending bills. If you came home to your wife only half the time, how long would you be married? If you showed up to work only half the time, how long would you be employed? So if you violate the Constitution that you swore to uphold HALF the time, how long can you be considered a conservative or an honest man? Granted, there are a few times where the constitutionality of a bill is not black & white. If a guy was 80%-90%, I might attribute that factor. But when a guy is correct only 19 times (and one abstention) out of 48 chances (40%!), how can he possibly be considered legitimate? He is 60% liberal and unconstitutional in these big spending bills. Yet he has the reputation of being a conservative stalwart. That tells you how bad the rest of our Congresscritters are - but we keep voting for more of the same (and then are aghast when we get what we ignorantly asked for).


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