Wednesday, May 09, 2007



The GOP candidates are all trying to claim to be the heir of the Ronald Reagan conservative legacy. Although previous articles have shown that Reagan himself was not truly worthy of his image, it is truly presposterous for the current front-runners to lay any claim to the conservative mantle.

Janet Folger has an excellent article exposing these phony wolves. Jere are some excerpts from it:

Will the real Ronald Reagan please stand up?

There is Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. He's for keeping 100 percent of the killing legal: second trimester, third, even during delivery – doesn't matter to Rudy. If it's killing children, he's for it. And up until last Thursday, he wanted every one of us to pay for it. But, all of a sudden, he's quoting the Hyde Amendment, which says the taxpayers shouldn't have to foot the bill. Kind of like two weeks ago when he was for legal partial-birth abortion, but then said he liked the Supreme Court ruling that upheld the ban on it. Even if this trend continued to Election Day 2012, he'd still be a pro-abortion liberal.

Then he hid behind the courts saying they should have proceeded unchecked in starving Terri Schiavo to death. All this coming from a guy who couldn't think of a single weakness he had – maybe they should have asked his ex-wives.

There's Former Gov. Mitt Romney. Regarding Catholics and their freedom of conscience to withhold communion, Romney said Catholics should be able to "do whatever they want." Really? Then why did Romney:

Force Catholic hospitals in Massachusetts to hand out the abortion drug "Plan B" or close their doors?

Ignore the Catholic Action League who lobbied for a conscience clause so Catholic civil service workers wouldn't be forced to perform same-sex "marriage" ceremonies? Romney's position: Perform homosexual "marriages" or you're fired.

Tell Boston's largest adoption agency, Catholic Charities, they had to place vulnerable orphan children in the homes of homosexual activists or go out of business? (Boston Catholic Charities closed their doors.) Even Michael Dukakis said Romney was wrong to force Catholics to violate their beliefs.

Force Catholics (and other pro-life people) to fund abortions in his (post-conversion) health-care plan that he's so "very proud" of?

And what about Terri Schiavo, who Romney agreed should be starved to death? Sit down, Mr. Romney. I don't care whom you've paid to say nice things about you; you're disqualified.

There is Sen. John McCain, who used to be pro-life, but now wants to fund embryonic stem cell research.

McCain then said, "in retrospect" the judicial activism that starved Terri Schiavo to death was something that should have gone unchecked. Translation: "A disabled woman was denied even a drop of water and I'm sorry I tried to do anything about it." If they treated prisoners of war as badly as they treated Schiavo, John McCain wouldn't be here.

Former Gov. Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin who couldn't give "a yes or no answer" to funding embryonic stem cell research. Funny, he didn't have a problem speaking out in favor it when he was contradicting his boss.

So now Mr. Thompson wants churches, Christian day cares, the Boy Scouts and business owners who are morally opposed to homosexuality to be forced to keep homosexual activists (how else do we know they're homosexual?) on the payroll – even if it violates their conscience, purpose and children in their care.

Of those declared, when it comes to the Reagan Republicans, only five candidates have a Republican leg to stand on:

Sen. Sam Brownback

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee

Rep. Duncan Hunter

Rep. Ron Paul

Rep. Tom Tancredo

TG: These five are also the five who have taken anti-evolution positions, Brownback, Huckabee, and Tancredo raising their hands in opposition to McCain's pro-evolution position at the debate. Either Hunter or Paul vocally responded "Yeah" (it's hard to tell which one in the debate video), but both of them have since taken anti-evolution positions. Folger said Hunter had, and I contacted the Ron Paul headquarters and his longtime campaign manager, Kent Snyder, said Paul does not believe in evolution.


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