Friday, March 23, 2007



Everyone knows politicians like to kiss babies. It brings them good photo ops and presents a positive image.

Oh wait, I misspelled that word. Politicians no longer want to KISS babies to get support, now they want to KILL babies instead.

What other conclusion can we draw? We know most of the Democrats favor abortion-on-demand. Therefore we would expect the Republicans to be against abortion (infant murder). But instead we have the Republicans trying to keep pace with the Democrats in support of baby killing.

I believe a woman should have the right to choose. If she wants to abort herself, that's her business. But nobody has the right to choose to kill another innocent human being.

Something is tragically wrong with our society when anyone but a criminal or deviate supports killing off our offspring. Who in their right mind would want to kill a precious baby? Answer: Nobody in their right mind would.

Something is seriously wrong with "America's Mayor", when he supports executing innocent infants.


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