Friday, March 23, 2007


Like Rudy says, we require gov't oversight of driving. We require drivers to be trained and licensed. We require autos to be registered.
What does that do to prevent autos from being involved in accidents? Not much. What does it do to prevent autos from being used in crimes? NOTHING.
Why would we expect those things to work when it comes to guns when it's proven they don't work when it comes to cars?
Whether they would work or not, we still have a Second Amendment guaranteeing our right to keep and bear arms. To support any kind of infringment on that Constitutionl right is FRAUD, if not TREASON. Rudy took an OATH to protect and defend the Constitution, but HE is the one wanting to violate it. That makes him a LIAR and unfit for the office he swore to uphold.

Rudy's Gun-Control Agenda
The article at the URL exposes Rudy Giuliani as a total gun-grabber. He's trying to repackage himself to appeal to conservatives, but anyone with the brain capacity of a turnip can see through that.

He claims now to only favor violating the Second Amendment in taking away the gun rights of citizens who live in big cities. But he also complained about guns from outlying areas having an effect on cities, so he really wants to ban them too.

He has supported waiting periods, semi-auto bans, mandatory trigger locks, and outright gun bans.


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