Wednesday, April 04, 2007

TWO-FACED: (Mitt Romney and MCL)


Not long ago presidential candidate Mitt Romney had a "Pennsylvania Avenue" conversion (as opposed to a Damascus road conversion) on life issues like embryonic stem cell research and abortion. Despite doing absolutely nothing yet to substantiate his newfound position, he also got the immediate endorsement of the Massachusetts Citizens for Life.

We wondered how MCL could have as rapid of a conversion as Romney. In 2005 Marie Sturgis, legislative director of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, said she hasn’t detected any change in Romney’s stance. The group considers Romney to be an abortion-rights supporter, as do national anti-abortion groups such as the Family Research Council.

But all of a sudden:

“Having Governor Romney in the corner office for the last four years has been one of the strongest assets the pro-life movement has had in Massachusetts. His actions concerning life issues have been consistent and he has been helpful down the line for us in the Bay State.” –Marie Sturgis.

But Marie, just TWO years ago you said he was an abortion rights supporter, now you are saying he's been a strong, consistent pro-life advocate for the past FOUR years. What could possibly cause you to have such an extreme lapse of memory?

... as announced in Sunday’s New York Times, to help make a case for his supposed pro-life conversion, he gave Massachusetts Citizens for Life a $15,000 Christmas present in December.

Ahhhh, now I understand. Apparently life is a very valuable commodity to Mitt, Marie, and MCL - if you consider $15 grand worth selling out on all the preborn babies in Massachusetts.

If you read the entire article at the above URL, you'll see that Romney made some pro-abortion statements AFTER his supposed "Pennsylvania Road conversion".

If you read the article here (, you'll see that Gov. Romney seems to have successfully played this same game before.

I'm biting my tongue in an effort to withhold from calling Romney and Sturgis liars.


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