Friday, March 23, 2007



The only abortion that's SAFE for the BABY is NO abortion. In fact, abortion is not very safe for the mother, either.

That aside, should we support someone for President who doesn't know the difference between a court decision (Roe vs. Wade) and a law (ALL legislative powers are Constitutionally vested to Congress, not the Supreme Court).

It looks like ALL the Republican frontrunners are for abortion, sodomy, and gun control. Can any Christian or conservative justify supporting these guys?

To find someone worthy of support we have to either opt for Ron Paul and Tom Tancredo in the GOP, or the Constitution Party candidate, if Chuck Baldwin or Don Grundmann get the nod for the CP (Jim Clymer is too wishy-washy and willing to hold hands with compromisers).

Romney is trying to put on a more pro-life face as the primaries near. But he has a nearly 40 year history supporting baby killing. I don't trust him speaking from the other side of his mouth after such a long pro-death span.

Mitt is a Mormon. Perhaps that has an influence on his pro-abortion position. The LDS allows for abortion in cases of rape, incest, danger to life and HEALTH of the mother, and fetal deformity. That is a 100% PRO-abortion position in disguise, since there can be some risk to the mother's health in ANY pregnancy.


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