Monday, June 18, 2007



Here are a few clips from a Newsweek article that exposes Fred Thompson as a moderate/liberal and a phony.

But away from the cameras, Thompson quietly reached out to the president in a letter sent through Clinton's chief of staff. "If the President is going to have any good cigars left over," he relayed to Clinton, who had once sent him a stogie, "in the spirit of bipartisanship I might be willing to help him out."

Thompson was more moderate on abortion than most Republican candidates. In his archive, there are several files on Thompson's campaign strategy on the subject that could roil his 2008 bid. The records include multiple surveys from the Christian Coalition and other groups in which he took positions that could be viewed as supporting abortion rights.

On a 1994 Eagle Forum survey, Thompson said he opposed criminalizing abortion. Two years later, on a Christian Coalition questionnaire, he checked "opposed" to a proposed constitutional amendment protecting the sanctity of human life. He struggled with the question of when life begins. "I do believe that the decision to have an early term abortion is a moral issue and should not be a legal one subject to the dictates of the government," he wrote in a campaign policy statement filed in the archives.

Thompson said, "I'm not willing to support laws that prohibit early term abortions ... It comes down to whether life begins at conception. I don't know in my own mind if that is the case so I don't feel the law ought to impose that standard on other people." The file also includes a copy of answers provided in 1994 to another newspaper. "The ultimate decision on abortion should be left with the woman and not the government," he answered.

Thompson was a strong supporter of McCain's bill. Thompson's files show that he was closely involved in helping to write the law, and pushed colleagues to sign on. When the bill passed in 2001, its Democratic sponsor, Russ Feingold, sent Thompson a thank-you note. "You were essential to our success," he wrote.


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