Friday, December 14, 2007



See both candidates say it in their own words:

Ron Paul says: "It’s a theory, the theory of evolution, and I don’t accept it ... I think that the Creator that I know, created us and created the universe." (question starts at 2:40)

That means ... JANET FOLGER is being DISHONEST to continue to insist that Dr. Paul "believes in evolution". Of course we already knew that because when she interviewed him, he told her directly: "I think that the creation has been brought here by God ... We're God's creatures ... I don't say there's no evolution, nor do I say there is evolution".

Why does Janet continue to insist (on WND and WVCY) that "Ron Paul is an evolutionist."? Because she needs to lie about him so she can promote "Tax Hike" Mike Huckabee (by being deceptive about him, too). -

Mike the Moonwalker (if illegal aliens came from the moon, he'd give them our tax dollars) backs off on creation, saying it's a "process" that might have taken long ages (sounds like evolution or theistic evolution). The "only candidate with a theological degree" admits he doesn't know how and when God created, and he can't even get through Genesis 1:1 correctly. You can ask any 1st grader in our church youth program and get a more scriptural and definitive answer than you can get from this guy who was the Chairman of the Arkansas Southern Baptist Convention. When do these kids get their degrees?

Neither candidate takes a vocal YEC stance like I would, but what matters for the presidency is not so much each candidate's personal belief. What matters is how they stand on education. Ron Paul wants to disband the federal Dep't of Education and get the fedgov totally out of education and let parents determine what their kids should be taught. He is an ardent supporter of homeschooling. Mike Huckabee SAYS similar things, but he still supports fedgov oversight of schools, tests, teachers, and students.

So if Ron Paul was a committed evolulu and Mike Huckabee was an officer of the Institute for Creation Research, Christians and creationists would still be better off with Dr. Paul.


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