Friday, August 24, 2007



John McCain has never pretended to be a Constitutional conservative.

Rudy Julie-Annie has done more political cross-dressing than physical cross-dressing.

Willard Romney is so phony he doesn't even use his real name.

Fred Thompson has been shown to be a better actor as a politician than he was as an actor.

Sam Brownback, Duncan Hunter, and Mike Huckabee are not nearly as conservative as they claim to be, even if they are a little to the right of the previous four.

Tom Tancredo might honestly be able to be called a conservative, but we've seen there are a few serious reservations about him, including a pro-Roe vs. Wade vote, a gun grabber vote, several big spending bills, and giving dictatorial powers to the president - voting away our freedoms to keep the terrorists from getting them.

Is there ANYONE we can support who is a true, consistent, Constitutional conservative?

Stay Tuned ...


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