Friday, December 28, 2007




At least that's what we keep hearing. But how and what are they measuring?

In fundraising the Paul campaign is at the top. He has raised over $25 million over the past six months, plus another half million for the blimp, plus all the other private endeavors. Not only that, the contributions have come from the largest amount of individual donors. He's not connected to the political and business machines of Hillary and Julie-Annie. He doesn't have the Hollywood connections of Fred Thompson, or the military connections of John McCain (yet he has raised more money from active military personnel than McCain, or anybody else). He doesn't have the personal wealth of Mitt Romney. Money cannot be spammed on the internet (except maybe by the Federal Reserve).

Paul's contributions come in amounts of less than $100 per donor. That means he has a LOT more individual donors than any other candidate. People who donate money to a candidate are likely to also vote for him. If the phrases "money talks" or "put your money where your mouth is" have any meaning, Rep Paul has much more support than the media polls are indicating.

In the mainstream media polls, he is just now breaking the double-digit mark. They obviously are not polling those who contribute to his campaign. Actually, they usually poll only GOP voters who have voted in the past and are likely to vote in the next election. But Rep. Paul also gets much support from independents, Libertarians, new voters, young voters, and even Democrats. Enough support from them to match the support from standard Republicans. That pushes him over 20%, easily enough to compete, even win, in a race with four or five opponents. Remember, those poll numbers are from the mainstream media, who is more hostile to Dr. Paul than they are to any other candidate.

The recent AOL "hack proof" poll (if anyone can make a hack proof poll, it would be the world's largest internet provider) pegs Paul at 25-30% and leading most States.

What about situations where people actually cast votes - the straw polls? There have been 52 straw polls across the 50 States. Dr. Paul has won 29 of them. He placed 2nd in seven, 3rd in another seven, and out of the top three in just nine (five of them in 4th). Head-to-head, Dr. Paul has more than double the victories of any GOP opponent.

When people actually vote, Ron Paul handily breezes past the rest of the field like he did in his younger days as a State Champion track star. Don't be surprised to see that trend continue. Like a savvy harrier, Paul has timed his kick perfectly. He already lapped Brownback, Gilmore, and Tancredo. Keyes is nowhere in sight. Thompson is running backwards. Romney is getting leg cramps. Julie-Annie is fading fast. Huckabee is fading almost as fast as he spiked. Paul is kicking up the pace just in time for the primaries.

Some of you may remember Dave Wottle's exciting victory in the 1972 Olympics, surging past the favorites at the finish line. I've experienced this myself. I was a distance runner in school. Because I was small and scrawny, I couldn't keep up with the bigger, stronger guys at the start. I fell back to dead last place in every single race. But I ended up winning half of my races, and finished in the top three in all but one race (in which ironically, I ran my best time). That's very similar to Dr. Paul's finishes in the straw polls. We're about to see deja vu all over again.

Saturday, December 22, 2007



Rev. John Hagee recently started a firestorm when he claimed that Jesus didn't come to be the Messiah (see him make the claim on the YouTube video). Of course anyone who reads a Bible knows that Messiah is a translation of the term Christ.

On Sunday, December 22nd, Rev. Mike Huckabee is preaching for Messiah denier Rev. John Hagee. Being the Sunday before Christmas, I wonder if Rev. Huckster might preach on Jesus coming to earth to be the Messiah?

John 1:41 He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.

John 4:25-26 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

What would Janet Folger say if Ron Paul preached for a Messiah denier?

Friday, December 21, 2007

FOURSCORE and Counting ...


Over 80 Simple Reasons a Christian Should NOT Support Rev. Mike Huckabee:


1. Rev. Huckabee is a member of the LIBERAL wing of the Southern Baptist Convention. He says the church he now attends is patterned after Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church (Warren, who went to seminary with Huckabee, just had Hillary and Obama speak in his church). Paul Pressler, a former Texas judge who led the conservative SBC revolt, said, "I know of no conservative he appointed while he headed the Arkansas Baptist Convention." The liberals (AKA moderates) in the SBC are the ones who don’t believe the Bible literally, often denying the Genesis accounts and miracles, while rejecting the stated authorship of many books of the Bible.

2. He took a vow to support the Constitution, which requires Congress to declare war (not to abdicate that responsibility to the president). But he supports skirting the Constitution for the attack on Iraq. God says those who break vows are “fools” (Ecc. 5:4).

3. Said he'd ignore the Constitution "in a heartbeat" if Congress opposed the war. He is lawless. His first official act as president would be to put his hand on a Bible and LIE as he takes his oath of office.

4. Backpedaled on denial of evolution - “How he did it, I don’t know. What I believe is not what’s going to be taught.” Said it’s a “process” (sounds like evolution, or theistic evolution) that might take “ages”. Said he would encourage evolution be taught and make creation illegal in public schools.

5. Said amnesty and freebies for illegal aliens is God's way for America to atone for slavery. As you’ll see, Huckabee blames God for a lot of his policies that steal money from taxpayers.

666. Suggested tracking people with marks like FedEx. Is Rev. Huckabee familiar with Revelation 13:18? In order to know which people are illegal, the rest of us would have to be marked and tracked.

7. Whined about how congregants of the Baptist church he left didn't want to continue paying his health insurance after he ditched them to get into politics.

8. If he's a legitimate Baptist preacher he shouldn't have demoted himself from the office of Pastor to seek a lesser office.

9. Churches are violating 501c3 laws to shill for Huck. Pastors Wiley Drake and Jerry Falwell Jr. already charged. Since they are all 501c3 entities and have willingly subjugated their pulpits to the government, they should be prosecuted by “Big Brother”.

10. Huckabee bragged “I had more women in my cabinet and on my staff in key positions, including chief of staff, than any other governor probably in Arkansas history," See Isaiah 3:12 where women leaders (i.e. Hillary) cause “error and destruction”. Including chief of staff? That means Huckabee’s “right hand man” was a woman!

11. Rev. Huckabee LIED about having a post-grad theology degree at least three times. He does have an under-grad degree in religion, but that didn’t teach him enough to know when and how God created.

12. Apologized for telling the truth about Mormons believing Jesus and Satan were brothers. Perhaps he’s preparing for the V.P. slot in case Romney beats Julie-Annie.

13. Agreed that the Lawrence vs. Texas ruling that declared sodomy a Constitutional right “probably was appropriate”.

14. Signed bills to make home schooling more difficult (lowered compulsory attendance age, made truancy laws tougher, and made it harder to remove children from public schools to home school). He supports the socialistic “No Child Left Behind” act and wants to spend more money on music and art in the public schools. He was the only GOP candidate to go to, speak to, plead for, and receive the endorsement of the liberal New Hampshire NEA (the first time they have ever endorsed a Republican)..


1. Supported amnesty for illegal aliens, which rewards criminal behavior and punishes those who try to immigrate legally.

2. Supported giving illegal aliens our tax money for free education.

3. Supported giving illegals our tax money for free health care.

4. Supported giving them our tax money for free welfare and other free services.

5. Supported paying for illegal aliens to have college educations (also with our money). These are things taxpayers should not have to foot the bill for legal immigrants and American citizens, let alone foreign criminals.

6. Supported allowing aliens to vote in U.S. elections. Claimed we’d scare away businesses otherwise.

7. Worked with corporations in Arkansas to draw in low-wage illegal aliens (that explains the previous entry).

8. Supports using American tax dollars for funding education of foreigners in countries we invade. He sure is generous with other people’s money.

9. Admitted he flip-flopped on Cuba embargo because he’s now running for president.

10. Supports “birthright citizenship”, a misinterpretation of the Constitution.

11. Says we shouldn’t punish children of illegals because of their “status”. Instead we’d have to punish taxpaying Americans to provide free services for children of lawbreakers.

12. Is running a deceptive TV ad claiming his immigration policy is as tough as “Chuck Norris”, when a blind man can see that’s not close to being true.


1. Investigated by Arkansas Ethics Commission 16 times.

2. NONE of the 16 was ruled "frivolous" despite Huckabee's motion to have them so ruled.

3. In one case saved by swing vote of AEC chairwoman. Days later she took a state job where she had listed the governor as a reference.

4. Reprimanded by AEC five times.

5. Fined $1,000 for failing to report outside income and payments from his campaign fund.

6. Allowed passage of legislation that made it easier for restaurants to obtain private-club mixed-drink permits in dry counties.

7. Sped final action on a bill to allow video poker at the state's racetracks - then received a $10,000 contribution from track owner, what a coinky-dink!.

8. Took a hefty honorarium from Novo Nordisk, which performs embryonic stem cell research. His website used to say he supported embryonic stem cell research, but that plank recently disappeared.

9. Lied about commuting sentence of convicted rapist, who raped and killed again after being paroled. Attributed his action to Christian principle of forgiveness.

10. Pardoned more than twice as many convicted criminals as his three predecessors (including philanderer Bill Clinton and Whitewater criminal Jim Guy Tucker) combined.

11. Crushed government computer drives, hiding records of his administration.

12. Refused to rule out running on ticket with pro-abortion candidate. Does he have an understanding with Julie-Annie to help him bring in the conservative Christian vote?

13. Phyllis Schlafly said he “destroyed the conservative movement in Arkansas and left the Republican party a shambles”.

14. Huckabee was the only Republican candidate to support the vast Schip social health care expansion. How is he going to run against Hillary if he supports socialized health care?

15. Democratic Gov. Beebe was able to retain 15 of Huckabee’s agency heads because they were “Clinton people, not Huckabee people.”

16. 501c3 group “Trust Huckabee” violating campaign laws by coordinating recruitment for a specific candidate.

17. Rev. Huckabee says he would support any GOP candidate except Ron Paul - including pro-abort, pro-queer, pro-gun grabbing cross-dresser and adulterer Rudy Julie-Annie.


1. Tried to claim $70,000 of furniture as his own.

2. In 1992 campaign used campaign funds to pay himself to be his own media consultant.

3. In 1994 campaign, set up charity (Action America) so he could pay himself for speeches without having to disclose names of his benefactors.

4. Used campaign funds to pay babysitter (she didn’t earn the pay, Mike’s son has a history of criminal behavior, some of which Mike allegedly helped him skirt justice for).

5. Used campaign travel funds for his own personal plane and transportation and failed to report it.

6. Used State Police airplane for political ends.

7. Paid for personal boat expenses from State coffers (watch out if he gets a blimp!).

8. Claimed public money for a doghouse (but no air conditioner for the poor creature).

9, Used public funds to pay his dry cleaning bills.

10. Bought wife panty hose with taxpayer’s money.

11. Paid for meals at Taco Bell with public funds (at least it wasn’t at the Red Lobster).

12. Supported making it illegal for politicians to accept contributions prior to one year before an election, yet readily accepted every penny sent to him. Is that called hypocrisy?

13. Though married 30 years ago, had a "wedding gift registry" to receive gifts to furnish his new $525,000 home as he left office.

14. Accepted $40,000 from tobacco giant R.J. Reynolds to fund a speaking tour to evangelical Christians to campaign against Hillary’s planned cigarette tax hike even though he hiked cigarette taxes by even more in his own state. Are “evangelical Christians” really so gullible?


1. Raised taxes at least 21 times, including income, sales, gas, and nursing home taxes. Net tax increase of over $500 million (47%), despite claims of cutting taxes 90 times.

2. Took credit for tax cut proposed by Democrat Governor Jim Guy Tucker before he resigned due to Whitewater involvement.

3. Increased predecessor Bill Clinton's budget by 65%. Can you conceive Huckabee even trying to campaign against Hillary when he was a much bigger taxer and spender than Bill? Imagine Slick Willy in an ad bemoaning that his frugal, taxpayer-friendly budget was destroyed by some big-spending, high-taxing liberal, and we need to vote for Hillary to prevent the same thing at the federal level. The saddest thing would be that, for once, Bill would be telling the TRUTH!

4. Increased government workers in Arkansas by 20%.

5. Largest public-paid medical program in State history.

6. Left Arkansas with a bill of more than $40 million for overcharges of the federal government's Medicaid program.

7. Arkansas debt increased over $1 billion during Huckabee administration. That’s how he was able to increase the budget by 65% while hiking taxes only 47%.

8. Huckabee earned the failing grade of "F" on the Cato Institute's 2006 governors' fiscal report card. And some want him running our economy?

9. He also received a failing grade from the tax watchdog group Club for Growth, calling him a “liberal in disguise”. It’s a very thin disguise, see-through, in fact.

10. The Washington-based Cato think tank awarded Huckabee a "D" for his overall term.

11. Violated supply and demand and imposed an unfunded mandate by increasing minimum wage, but limiting what companies can charge. How can they pay wage hikes with less profit? Many can’t and go out of business.

12. Still supports huge federal spending for education, on teachers, students, and testing, despite saying education should be a State matter.


1. Supported failed, anti free market cap and trade system of attempting to control global warming.

2. Says global warming is a problem and we are the cause of it. Is Rev. Huckabee aware that God is in control of the environment and we cannot destroy the earth if we wanted to? If we could, Bible prophecy would not be true, or we’d be able to destroy God’s plan for the earth.

3. Calling global warming a "moral issue" mandating "a biblical duty" to prevent climate change. A biblical duty to prevent God from changing the climate? Rev. Huckabee uses God’s name in vain to support stealing from taxpayers for a variety of unconstitutional and immoral causes.


1. Gave speech to Council on Foreign Relations (prominent NWO supporters).

2. Wrote article for CFR that they considered an "essential document".

3. Originally said he didn’t support execution of Saddam Hussein. Now is a fervent warmonger.

4. Huckabee supported the United Nations coming into Arkansas and taking over public and private land, without compensation, for an international UN Biosphere. Of course he lied about it until the order he signed was made public. Then he had to oppose his own directive.

5. Recently penned an article for the CFR publication, “Foreign Affairs”. He is in the hip pocket of the godless New World Order crowd.

6. His idea of allowing aliens to vote in our elections effectively eradicates America as a nation, putting us at the whims of the rest of the world.

7. Admits his foreign policy is steered by CFR President Richard Haass.

If you vote for Huckabee, don’t be surprised or complain when you get:

NAFTA, CAFTA, FTAA, AMERO, North American Union, etc. etc.

You are being warned ahead of time, this is what you’ll get with Huckabee. This is what you are ASKING for, therefore it will be what you DESERVE (and be sure, I will remind you every chance I get).

I warned everyone who would listen about George W. Bush two years before he was elected. I was even more right than I expected about how bad he would be. Mike Huckabee will be more liberal than Bush or Bill Clinton.

You can either heed my warning now, or listen to me say “I TOLD YOU SO!” for another four years - and I WILL remind everyone I can when I’m right again.

Dr. RON PAUL supports freedom as delineated by our Constitution. Remember that document? The one all our politicians take an oath to uphold? Why do we keep supporting politicians (like Huckabee) whose first official act of office is to LIE with their hand on a Bible?

America was a lot more godly and moral when we obeyed the Constitution. We are a lot less godly and more immoral now that we look to the federal government to run everything. Why would we want more of what we have now?

Under our Constitutional freedom and State’s rights, everybody wins. Yes, if we support freedom for ourselves, we have to also allow freedom for those who disagree with us - otherwise we have no grounds to claim our own freedom. But when the ground is level for all of us, WE WIN. The only way America is dragged down is when Christianity is legislated against. When everybody is free, we have the opportunity to reach others. Since what we have is superior to anything else, we gain under liberty. The Bible way is free will. People willingly choose which path they will take. We cannot force them to get right with God, our job is to convince them by word and deed.

Under State’s rights, if one state does something we oppose, including dealing with sodomy, pornography, prostitution, or even abortion - the mistake is limited to just that state. Today those things are spreading like wildfire across the country and states that want to put out the fires are not allowed to. Dr. Paul has pointedly stated that he does not “endorse” those vices, in fact they are “repugnant” to him, but it’s not a president’s job to run our lives. Those things are not assigned to the federal branch by the Constitution. Crime has always been a local matter. Reporting an assault to local law enforcement does not make anyone pro-rape.

Dr. Paul, an OB-GYN for 40 years, who has delivered over 4,000 babies, is staunchly pro-life. He has authored the “Sanctity of Life Act” which declares a baby a person at the moment of conception. He has authored a bill preventing any court from ruling in favor of abortion. Others talk about being pro-life, Paul acts upon it. He even supports prosecuting abortionists for murder (on the local level, like other murder and crime).

RON PAUL has never voted to raise taxes. He’s never voted for an unbalanced budget. He’s never voted for unconstitutional spending. He’s never voted to infringe on any Constitutional right (including speech, religion, or arms). That’s what made America great and godly. That’s what we need to return to.

If after reading this expose of Mike Huckabee, you can vote for him and still sleep well at night, either you are using drugs to get to sleep, or you have seared your conscience to the point that wickedness no longer bothers you like it should.

We are not talking about a couple of disagreeable points in Huckabee’s resume, we’re talking about over 80 serious matters where Huckabee takes un-American, un-Constitutional, and ungodly positions and actions. If you vote for him, you are voting for those things, and you will be responsible and accountable for those things.


(I didn’t include these until about the 4th update, so I may have missed some references. If you find something you don’t believe, let me know. I have the documentation available for every claim I made.)

Last updated: 12-21-07

Tuesday, December 18, 2007



Who Are These Kooks?

By Chuck Baldwin December 18, 2007

"Mike Huckabee recently said he could support any of the other Republican Presidential contenders, including Rudy Giuliani (above), except Ron Paul. That means, Mike Huckabee would rather support a pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-gun control liberal such as Giuliani than support the pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, pro-Second Amendment candidacy of Ron Paul. Why is that?"

TG: Why is that? It's because Mike Huckabee is a political whore who will sell himself, his character, and his principles. That also tells us that Ron Paul is the only GOP candidate who is not part of the NWO establishment.

Saturday, December 15, 2007



Huckabee's theology degree? Now says ain't necessarily so

Campaign admits candidate doesn't have claimed religious credential

Speaking in Iowa in October, Huckabee told a sympathetic crowd, "Anytime you have been a person who was identified as a pastor and you've got a seminary education and theology degree, people tend to worry about you."

In November, while appearing on the Christian Broadcasting Network, Huckabee said, "I truly understand the nature of the war that we are in with Islamofascism. These are people that want to kill us. It's a theocratic war. And I don't know if anybody fully understands that. I'm the only guy on that stage with a theology degree. I think I understand it really well."

Last month, during the CNN YouTube debate, Huckabee responded to a question to the candidates about their belief in the Bible: "Sure. I believe the Bible ... And as the only person here on the stage with a theology degree, there are parts of it I don't fully comprehend and understand,

That prompted Joe Carter, Huckabee's research director, to respond to a questioner by e-mail.

"Governor Huckabee doesn't have a theology degree. He only spent a year in seminary."

TG: Huckabee does have a degree in religion, not a post-grad degree in theology. But some of his answers above as well as his waffle on creation indicate he paid way too much for his degree. If he sued the school for fraud, I'll glady serve as a witness that he got ripped off in his religious education. I'll bring in a few 1st graders who have read the first chapter of the Bible and know when and how God created.

Friday, December 14, 2007


... or should that be THE EFFEMINATE?



Notice once again, as is becoming a daily occurrence, when Huckabee is confronted about something by opponents, he backpedals away from the godly position - EVERY TIME. When Ron Paul was confronted on his pro-life position by Whoopie Goldberg and the femininazis on "The View", he didn't back off an inch. If Huckabee will cave, on a daily basis, under pressure from a few contentious women, how will he fare when confronted by national leaders with armies?

Huckabee Defends Women's Rights Record

By ANDREW DeMILLO Associated Press December 14, 2007

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) -- Republican Mike Huckabee's record on women's rights is coming under increased scrutiny, including his endorsement of the Southern Baptist Convention's stance that women should "submit graciously" to their husbands and his opposition to sending women into combat.

Huckabee, an ordained Southern Baptist minister, defended his record Thursday, saying he appointed many women to high positions in state government and on his staff during his 10½ years as Arkansas governor."If you look at my cabinet, I had more women in my cabinet and on my staff in key positions, including chief of staff, than any other governor probably in Arkansas history," Huckabee said on ABC's Good Morning America.

However, Huckabee's traditional view of women apparently doesn't extend to the political arena.

In the same survey, Huckabee was asked about the number of women serving in the House and Senate. He wrote: "I really cannot say whether or not the presence of so few women has made any difference in Congress, but women are certainly as capable as men of serving in the Senate." "Will there be a female president? Of course there will. And should there be? Absolutely," Huckabee said.

Isa 3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.



See both candidates say it in their own words:

Ron Paul says: "It’s a theory, the theory of evolution, and I don’t accept it ... I think that the Creator that I know, created us and created the universe." (question starts at 2:40)

That means ... JANET FOLGER is being DISHONEST to continue to insist that Dr. Paul "believes in evolution". Of course we already knew that because when she interviewed him, he told her directly: "I think that the creation has been brought here by God ... We're God's creatures ... I don't say there's no evolution, nor do I say there is evolution".

Why does Janet continue to insist (on WND and WVCY) that "Ron Paul is an evolutionist."? Because she needs to lie about him so she can promote "Tax Hike" Mike Huckabee (by being deceptive about him, too). -

Mike the Moonwalker (if illegal aliens came from the moon, he'd give them our tax dollars) backs off on creation, saying it's a "process" that might have taken long ages (sounds like evolution or theistic evolution). The "only candidate with a theological degree" admits he doesn't know how and when God created, and he can't even get through Genesis 1:1 correctly. You can ask any 1st grader in our church youth program and get a more scriptural and definitive answer than you can get from this guy who was the Chairman of the Arkansas Southern Baptist Convention. When do these kids get their degrees?

Neither candidate takes a vocal YEC stance like I would, but what matters for the presidency is not so much each candidate's personal belief. What matters is how they stand on education. Ron Paul wants to disband the federal Dep't of Education and get the fedgov totally out of education and let parents determine what their kids should be taught. He is an ardent supporter of homeschooling. Mike Huckabee SAYS similar things, but he still supports fedgov oversight of schools, tests, teachers, and students.

So if Ron Paul was a committed evolulu and Mike Huckabee was an officer of the Institute for Creation Research, Christians and creationists would still be better off with Dr. Paul.

Thursday, December 13, 2007



We saw this very thing before the Bush election. He made a reasonable nice pro-Christian statement, and then when a few infidels complained, he sprained his tongue trying to apologize too fast.

Now Huckabee asked a question about Mormons believing that Jesus and Satan are brothers - which is what they DO believe. He didn't even claim they believed that, he simply asked if they did. Now he is spraining his tongue trying to apologize for asking a question about a cult.

Huckabee apologizes to Romney

GOP debate is last one before caucuses

By Rick Pearson and John Chase, Tribune staff reporters Tribune religion reporter Manya A. Brachear contributed from Chicago December 13, 2007

JOHNSTON, Iowa - Iowa front-runner Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor and Southern Baptist preacher, capped the last Republican debate here Wednesday by offering apologies to his chief rival, Mitt Romney, for questioning, "Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?"



Outline of Over 65 Simple Reasons (and the tally continues to grow) a Christian Should NOT Support Rev. Mike Huckabee.


1. Rev. Huckabee is a member of the LIBERAL wing of the Southern Baptist Convention. Paul Pressler, a former Texas judge who led the conservative SBC revolt, said, "I know of no conservative he appointed while he headed the Arkansas Baptist Convention." The liberals (AKA moderates) in the SBC are the ones who don’t believe the Bible literally, often denying the Genesis accounts and miracles, while rejecting the stated authorship of many books of the Bible.

2. He took a vow to support the Constitution, which requires Congress to declare war. But he supports skirting the Constitution for the attack on Iraq. God says those who break vows are “fools” (Ecc. 5:4).

3. Said he'd ignore the Constitution "in a heartbeat" if Congress opposed the war.

4. Backpedaled on denial of evolution (“How he did it, I don’t know. What I believe is not what’s going to be taught.”). Said he would encourage evolution be taught and make creation illegal in public schools.

5. Said amnesty and freebies for illegal aliens is God's way for America to atone for slavery.

666. Suggested tracking people with marks like FedEx.

7. Whined about how congregants of the Baptist church he left didn't want to continue paying his health insurance.

8. If he's a legitimate Baptist preacher he shouldn't have demoted himself from the office of Pastor to seek a lesser office.

9. Churches are violating 501c3 laws to shill for Huck. Pastors Wiley Drake and Jerry Falwell Jr. already charged. Since they are all 501c3 entities and have willingly subjugated their pulpits to the government, they should be prosecuted by “Big Brother”.


1. Supported amnesty for illegal aliens.

2. Supported giving them our tax money for free education, health care, and welfare.

3. Supported paying for illegal aliens to have college educations (also with our money).

4. Supported allowing aliens to vote in U.S. elections.

5. Worked with corporations in Arkansas to draw in low-wage illegal aliens.

6. Supports funding education of foreigners in countries we invade.

7. Admitted he flip-flopped on Cuba embargo because he’s running for president.


1. Investigated by Arkansas Ethics Commission 16 times.

2. NONE of the 16 ruled "frivolous" despite Huckabee's motion to have them so ruled.

3. In one case saved by swing vote of AEC chairwoman. Days later she took a state job where she had listed the governor as a reference.

4. Reprimanded by AEC five times.

5. Fined $1,000 for failing to report outside income and payments from his campaign fund.

6. Allowed passage of legislation that made it easier for restaurants to obtain private-club mixed-drink permits in dry counties.

7. Sped final action on a bill to allow video poker at the state's racetracks (then received a $10,000 contribution from track owner).

8. Took a hefty honorarium from Novo Nordisk, which performs embryonic stem cell research.

9. Lied about commuting sentence of convicted rapist, who raped and killed again after being paroled. Attributed his action to Christian principle of forgiveness.

10. Pardoned more than twice as many convicted criminals as his three predecessors (including Bill Clinton) combined.

11. Crushed government computer drives, hiding records of his administration.

12. Refused to rule out running on ticket with pro-abortion candidate.

13. Phyllis Schlafly said he “destroyed the conservative movement in Arkansas and left the Republican party a shambles”.

14. Huckabee was the only Republican candidate to support the vast Schip social health care expansion.

15. Democratic Gov. Beebe was able to retain 15 of Huckabee’s agency heads because they were “Clinton people, not Huckabee people.”

16. 501c3 group “Trust Huckabee” violating campaign laws by coordinating recruitment for a specific candidate.


1. Tried to claim $70,000 of furniture as his own.

2. In 1992 campaign used campaign funds to pay himself to be his own media consultant.

3. In 1994 campaign, set up charity (Action America) so he could pay himself for speeches without having to disclose names of his benefactors.

4. Used campaign funds to pay babysitter.

5. Used campaign travel funds for his own personal plane and transportation and failed to report it.

6. Used State Police airplane for political ends.

7. Paid for personal boat expenses from State coffers.

8. Claimed public money for a doghouse.

9, Used public funds to pay his dry cleaning bills.

10. Bought wife panty hose with taxpayer’s money.

11. Paid for meals at Taco Bell with public funds.

12. Supported making it illegal for politicians to accept contributions prior to one year before an election, yet readily accepted every penny sent to him.

13. Though married 30 years ago, had a "wedding gift registry" to receive gifts to furnish his new $525,000 home as he left office.

14. Accepted $40,000 from tobacco giant R.J. Reynolds to fund a speaking tour to evangelical Christians to campaign against Hillary’s planned cigarette tax hike even though he hiked cigarette taxes by even more in his own state.


1. Raised taxes at least 15 times, including income, sales, gas, and nursing home taxes. Net tax increase of over $500 million (47%), despite claims of cutting taxes 90 times.

2. Took credit for tax cut proposed by Democrat Governor Jim Guy Tucker before he resigned due to Whitewater involvement.

3. Increased predecessor Bill Clinton's budget by 65%.

4. Increased gov't workers in Arkansas by 20%.

5. Largest public-paid medical program in State history.

6. Left Arkansas with a bill of more than $40 million for overcharges of the federal government's Medicaid program.

7. Arkansas debt increased over $1 billion during Huckabee administration.

8. Huckabee earned the failing grade of "F" on the Cato Institute's 2006 governors' fiscal report card.

9. He also received a failing grade from the tax watchdog group Club for Growth, calling him a “liberal in disguise”.

10. The Washington-based Cato think tank awarded Huckabee a "D" for his overall term.

11. Violated supply and demand by increasing minimum wage, but limiting what companies can charge.

12. Still supports huge federal spending for education, despite saying education should be a State matter.


1. Gave speech to Council on Foreign Relations (prominent NWO supporters).

2. Wrote article for CFR that they considered an "essential document".

3. Supported failed cap and trade system of attempting to control global warming.

4. Says global warming is a problem and we are the cause of it.

5. Originally said he didn’t support execution of Saddam Hussein. Now is a fervent warmonger.

6. Huckabee supported the United Nations coming into Arkansas and taking over public and private land, without compensation, for an international UN Biosphere. Of course he lied about it until the order he signed was made public.

7. His idea of allowing aliens to vote in our elections effectively eradicates America as a nation, putting us at the whims of the rest of the world.

If you vote for Huckabee, don’t be surprised or complain when you get:

NAFTA, CAFTA, FTAA, AMERO, North American Union, etc. etc.

You are being warned ahead of time, this is what you’ll get with Huckabee. This is what you are ASKING for, therefore it will be what you DESERVE (and be sure, I will remind you every chance I get).

I warned everyone who would listen about George W. Bush two years before he was elected. I was even more right than I expected about how bad he would be. Mike Huckabee will be more liberal than Bush or Bill Clinton.

You can either heed my warning now, or listen to me say “I TOLD YOU SO!” for another four years - and I WILL remind everyone I can when I’m right again.

Dr. RON PAUL supports freedom as delineated by our Constitution. Remember that document? The one all our politicians take an oath to uphold? Why do we keep supporting politicians (like Huckabee) whose first official act of office is to LIE with their hand on a Bible?

America was a lot more godly and moral when we obeyed the Constitution. We are a lot less godly and more immoral now that we look to the federal government to run everything. Why would we want more of what we have now?

Under our Constitutional freedom and State’s rights, everybody wins. Yes, if we support freedom for ourselves, we have to also allow freedom for those who disagree with us - otherwise we have no grounds to claim our own freedom. But when the ground is level for all of us, WE WIN. The only way America is dragged down is when Christianity is legislated against. When everybody is free, we have the opportunity to reach others. Since what we have is superior to anything else, we gain under liberty. The Bible way is free will. People willingly choose which path they will take. We cannot force them to get right with God, our job is to convince them by word and deed.

Under State’s rights, if one state does something we oppose, including dealing with sodomy, pornography, prostitution, or even abortion - the mistake is limited to just that state. Today those things are spreading like wildfire across the country and states that want to put out the fires are not allowed to. Dr. Paul has pointedly stated that he does not “endorse” those vices, in fact they are “repugnant” to him, but it’s not a president’s job to run our lives. Those things are not assigned to the federal branch by the Constitution. Crime has always been a local matter. Reporting an assault to local law enforcement does not make anyone pro-rape.

Dr. Paul, an OB-GYN for 40 years, who has delivered over 4,000 babies, is staunchly pro-life. He has authored the “Sanctity of Life Act” which declares a baby a person at the moment of conception. He has authored a bill preventing any court from ruling in favor of abortion. Others talk about being pro-life, Paul acts upon it. He even supports prosecuting abortionists for murder (on the local level, like other murder and crime).

RON PAUL has never voted to raise taxes. He’s never voted for an unbalanced budget. He’s never voted for unconstitutional spending. He’s never voted to infringe on any Constitutional right (including speech, religion, or arms). That’s what made America great and godly. That’s what we need to return to.

Huckabee Documentation:

(I didn’t include these until about the 4th update, so I may have missed some references. If you find something you don’t believe, let me know. I have the documentation available for every claim I made.)



Watch Mike Huckabee dance like a pro! Witness him backing off on what he led debate viewers to believe he believed about the Genesis creation. Now it's a "process" that might have taken log ages. The "only candidate with a theological degree" admits he doesn't know how and when God created, and he can't even get through Genesis 1:1 correctly.

You'll have to turn the volume up on this one, it's very quiet (can't blame him for that). ANY tax will do for "Tax Hike" Mike!

Friday, December 07, 2007



Huckabee Bristles at Creationism Query (TG: Again?)

Dec 4, By LIZ SIDOTI and LIBBY QUAIDDES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, a Southern Baptist preacher who has surged in Iowa with evangelical Christian support, bristled Tuesday when asked if creationism should be taught in public schools.

TG: Why bristle at the question? Why not just answer it boldly as a Christian should? Ron Paul had no trouble defending his pro-life views before a panel of hostile feminists like Whoopie Goldberg this week. Why should Huck duck when someone asks him about the Bible? Even Mitt the Mormon hasn't fled from his faith like Huckster is doing here.

Huckabee - who raised his hand at a debate last May when asked which candidates disbelieved the theory of evolution - asked this time why there is such a fascination with his beliefs. "I believe God created the heavens and the Earth," he said at a news conference with Iowa pastors who murmured, "Amen." "I wasn't there when he did it, so how he did it, I don't know," Huckabee said.

TG: Pssst, Hey Mike, READ THE BIBLE, it tells you how God did it! The Mormon said he believed "every word" of it. Do you Mike? Even the first few chapters? Adam, Noah, Sodom, Jericho, Jonah?

But he expressed frustration that he is asked about it so often, arguing with the questioner that it ultimately doesn't matter what his personal views are.

TG: Should a Christian (much less a preacher) be frustrated at getting so many opportunities to preach God's word to the whole country? He should be ELATED to get the opportunity! Can you imagine the apostle Paul being frustrated that someone asked what he believed?"

That's an irrelevant question to ask me - I'm happy to answer what I believe, but what I believe is not what's going to be taught in 50 different states," Huckabee said. "Education is a state function. The more state it is, and the less federal it is, the better off we are."

TG: Oh, NOW he's for State's rights. Wonder who he got that idea from? What's Janet Folger going to do now? She'd criticize Ron Paul for this position.

"Faith doesn't just influence me. It really defines me. I don't have to wake up every day wondering what do I need to believe," Huckabee says in the ad.

TG: Well Mike, you just did wonder how God created. How come you can use your faith to pander but flee from it when asked about creation?

Huckabee Won't Give Views on Mormonism

Dec 4, 1:37 PM (ET) By LIZ SIDOTINEWTON, Iowa (AP) - Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, a one-time Southern Baptist preacher who's seen his standing in Iowa surge with Christian evangelicals' support, wouldn't say Tuesday whether he thought Mormonism - rival Mitt Romney's religion - was a cult. "I'm just not going to go off into evaluating other people's doctrines and faiths. I think that is absolutely not a role for a president," the former Arkansas governor said during a week in which religion has become an important issue in the Republican presidential race, particularly in Iowa....As he has risen in polls, Huckabee has emphasized his own faith and in recent weeks has sought to draw subtle distinctions with his rivals by running a TV ad on the issue in the state.

TG: Huckabee is sure quick to throw around the fact that he is "the only candidate with a degree in theology", but suddenly he's lost his sheepskin when it matters. I suppose that's so he can join BJIII and endorse Mitt the Mormon (or run as his VP) if Huckster doesn't get the nod himself.

Huckabee Keeps Faith Views to Himself

By MIKE BAKER Thursday, December 6, 2007 8:44 PM CSTGREENSBORO, N.C. - Maintaining his silence about his religious beliefs, Republican and Baptist preacher Mike Huckabee declined Thursday to outline his views on women in the ministry but praised a presidential rival for speaking about his own faith.

TG: The guy is running from his own shadow. Every day he is ducking something.

Huckabee said he did not see Mitt Romney's speech Thursday in which the former Massachusetts governor vowed to serve the interests of the nation, not the Mormon church he worships in, if elected president. But he praised Romney for doing it."I think it's a good thing and healthy for all of us for people to discuss faith in the public square," Huckabee, a former governor of Arkansas, said outside a private fundraiser.

TG: If it's so healthy, why are you running away from any question about your faith, Mike?

Monday, December 03, 2007

Now THAT'S Slick!


This article by NewsMax shows that Mike Huckabee is more slick than Bill Clinton ever was (and apparently Clinton is giving Huckabee his "props" in recognition of the fact).

The headline of the article is the Huckster's claim that:

Huckabee: I Beat the Clinton Machine Twice

The claim by Huckleberry is that he beat the Clinton machine in both of his elections. The only problem is that's not true. He won by joining the Clinton machine. The Wall Street Journal confirms this:

Mr. Huckabee's reluctance to surround himself with conservatives was evident as governor, when he kept many agency heads appointed by Bill Clinton. Zac Wright, a spokesman for incoming Democratic Gov. Mike Beebe, was asked this year why 15 Huckabee agency heads had been retained. Most of them were "Clinton people," he replied, not "Huckabee people."

Wait! There's more!

Betsy Hagan, Arkansas director of the conservative Eagle Forum and a key backer of his early runs for office, was once "his No. 1 fan." She was bitterly disappointed with his record. "He was pro-life and pro-gun, but otherwise a liberal," she says. "Just like Bill Clinton he will charm you, but don't be surprised if he takes a completely different turn in office."Phyllis Schlafly, president of the national Eagle Forum, is even more blunt. "He destroyed the conservative movement in Arkansas, and left the Republican Party a shambles," she says.

"He has zero intellectual underpinnings in the conservative movement," says Blant Hurt, a former part owner of, and columnist for, Arkansas Business magazine. "He's hostile to free trade, hiked sales and grocery taxes, backed sales taxes on Internet purchases, and presided over state spending going up more than twice the inflation rate."

"He fought my efforts to reform the National Governors Association and always took fiscal positions to my left," said former Colorado Gov. Bill Owens.

Even in religious matters:

When conservatives took over the Southern Baptist Convention after a bitter fight in the 1980s, Mr. Huckabee sided with the ruling moderates. Paul Pressler, a former Texas judge who led the conservative Southern Baptist revolt, told me, "I know of no conservative he appointed while he headed the Arkansas Baptist Convention."

Back to the NewsMax article ...

Huckabee, ecstatic about the rising poll numbers, explained the momentum factor: “We’re the only campaign that has had one trajectory, and that’s been forward and upward… We’re the only campaign that has not had a peak and now has slipped backwards.”

Ahh, Mike, aren't you forgetting somebody??? Did you forget to inhale?

Huckabee deftly sidesteps a Newsmax comparison of his own successes with that of fellow Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul. The Texas congressman, like Huckabee, is also doing well as an outside-the-pack candidate, getting attention and raising a lot of money online.

Oh, just IGNORE that Ron Paul guy, even if it means outright LYING to do so.

The scariest thing is that Huckabee himself agrees with the comparisons to Slick Willie:

Mike Huckabee Compares Himself to Bill Clinton

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee compared his campaign Monday to that of another former Arkansas governor Bill Clinton, who was hardly a front-runner when he started his ultimately successful run for the White House.

The only difference is that Clinton didn't inhale, whereas Huckster inhaled but hasn't exhaled.