Mitt Romney, You're no Ronald Reagan!
We've had articles exposing Mitt Romney as a phony conservative and an article casting doubt on the conservaitive legitimacy of and founder Christopher Ruddy.
NewsMax has removed all doubt and come out of the wolf closet by endorsing Romney and pretending he is carrying the Reagan legacy and has the "right" stuff for 2008. They are trying to paint him as a staunch conservative when he unquestionably is not.
We now know that NewsMax is simply a GOP shill who would support ANY Republican, even if he is pro-abortion, pro-sodomite, and anti-gun. We know this because THEY ARE supporting such a candidate in Romney.
Joseph Farah and seems to be more legitimately principled. However, despite being willing to point out the flaws and hypocrisies of the Bush bunch of professed conservative Republicans, when push came to shove he voted for Bush on the basis of the flawed "lesser evil" and court appointee logic. We will be watching closely to see if Farah does another last minute about-face this time.